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Kittens & Society

The digital paw prints of Fabio Michele Russo

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  • NPR: TikTok executives know about app’s effect on teens

    TikTok’s own research states that “compulsive usage correlates with a slew of negative mental health effects like loss of analytical skills, memory formation, contextual thinking, conversational depth, empathy, and increased anxiety,” according to the suit. In addition, the documents show that TikTok was aware that “compulsive usage also interferes with essential personal responsibilities like sufficient sleep, work/school responsibilities, and connecting with loved ones.”

    Jee-zuz. 😮‍💨

  • Newest pen: Pilot Lightive. Cheap but interesting look. Very usable! 🖋️ And my 2024 planner.

  • My main criticism of Micro.blog…

About Me

I'm a machine learning PhD student and researcher with a background in computer science, economics, design and journalism, exploring the intersections of computer intelligence, social politics and human-machine trust and interaction.

I'm an Italian activist for intersectional feminism and I'm equally drawn to the worlds of contemporary dance and theatre. I'm a tech enthusiast who's rediscovered the joy of analog tools like pen and paper. When not diving into algorithms or watching cool dance performances, you might find me writing about my interests or gaming on my Steam Deck. He/him pronouns. Read more about me →

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